Monday, May 10, 2010

Kekich Credo #9

A little caution avoids great regrets. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Keep fully insured physically and materially and keep hedged emotionally. Insurance is not for sale when you need it.”

Sometimes, when I look back at my life, especially in terms of past relationships, I always see the points in time where if I had exercised just that little bit more caution, that little bit more restraint, I think my life would have been better. I think it would have been more pleasant and I would have saved myself a lot of heartache. But what I’ve done in recent times is just to go with my gut instinct (which apparently sucks donkey eggs) and thought to myself, “You know, Paul, if you don’t go for it, you’ll never know what its about. You’ll regret this for the rest of your life, not knowing about this.” And so I went ahead and like your average bumbling idiot, ENDED up regretting my course of actions.

Sometimes, its not a question of what I could have done better. Its more a question of what I would NOT have done in the first place.

Sure, you say, as you read Kekich’s Credo #9 above. Do all that and end up living a safe life. Never take risks. Never do anything that would cause potential loss. Sure. Live a boring life.

Which is why, sometimes, I want to live life on the edge. I want a daring and exciting experience, full of adrenaline and expectations. I want to wake up the next morning pretty much buzzing with energy and wanting to make a difference and make it NOW.

But what I think I sorely lack at the moment is just that little bit of caution. Somehow, in my addled little brain, I’ve lost the ability to maintain a little bit of the fear of the unknown and I’ve just gone ahead like a mad cow and just gone for it.

And like the phrase goes, “He who hesitates is lost” but then again, “Look before you leap.”

I’ve fallen into wayy too many gaps because I chose to dive in head first. Not pleasant. At all.

But nanny-ways. Goodnight.


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